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Planetcoon's Retired Breeding cats

The following cats were very importants for us and for our breeding program. All are retired now, living the good life with us or in wonderfull pet homes.

Greenway Silver Surfer

Born on: 17/08/2010
Sex: Male *Aka:*Silver
Colour: Silver Tabby blotched – MCO ns 22

Screening Esito Note
HCM Mybpc3 dna test N/N Parents Negative
HCM and PKD03-11-2011 Negative First Screening
HCM 21-01-2013 Negative Second Screening

Us*Tropikoons Van Helsing

Born on: 13-02-2013*
Aka: Lilo
Colour: Brown Tabby Blotched with white – MCO n 0922

Screening Esito Note
HCM Mybpc3 dna test November 2013 N/N Laboklin
HCM e PKD11 march 2014 Negative first screening

Nascat Indianapolis

Sex: Male
Aka: Indy
Born: 10/08/2008
Colour: Silver tabby mackarel with White – MCO ns 09 23

Screening Esito Note
SMA N/N Parents negative
HCM Mybpc3 dna test N/N parents negative
HCM e PKD28th August 2009 Negative First screening
HCM10th June 2010 Negative Second Screening
HCM17th Genuary 2011 Negative Third Screening
HCM17th July 2012 Negative Fourth Screening
HCM13th May 2013 Negative Fifth Screening

We are proud to present you our first Silver Maine coon : Nascat Indianapolis , he flied back home with us from Usa.
We thank a lot Donna Hinton of Nascat Maine coon for fantastic days spent with her in Houston and to have trust us and let us have one of her Maine coon.
Indy has really a sweet and devoted temperament, a long and high on legs body, fantastic coat quality , very long and furnished tail…… and about his head : it’s hard to find a lack !!! Indy cuold carry solids colours and diluition and breeding him in the future we will know also if he is Omozygote for the mackarel tabbies!!!

Planetcoon Ranja

Born on: 05-04-2010
Colour: Brown Tabby Mackarel – MCO n 23

Screening Esito Note
HCM Mybpc3 dna test N/N Laboklin
HCM and PKD03-11-2011 Negative First Screening
HCM 15-04-2013 Negative Second screening
HCM 05-08-2014 Negative Third screening

Planetcoon Narnja

Born on: 14-07-2007
Colour: Brown Tabby Blotched – MCO n 22

Screening Esito Note
HCM Mybpc3 dna test N/N Laboklin
HCM and PKD09-10-2008 Negative First screening
HCM 28-08-2009 Negative Second screening
HCM17-01-2011 Negative Third Screening

Narnja is born in or cattery from Ic Escape’s Rocky and Ch Lacocoon Mistery in Love on july 2007.

Immediately when we saw her growp up we decided to keep her with us.

Y1Kat Ring of Fire

Sex: Female
Aka: Fire
Born : 29/09/2008
Colour: Tortie tabby mackarel – MCO f 23

Screening Esito Note
HCM e PKD28th August 2009 negative first screening
HCM Mybpc3 dna test N/N parents negative

Fire is born in Y1Kat Maine coon that we visited during our little holiday in Texas.
Judy Lindemann of Y1Kat is a good friend of Donna Hinton ( Nascat maine coon) so we had the chance to meet an other good breeder who trust us and made us come back to Italy with this little princess.
We Thanks Judy for fantastic days spent with her in Texas.

Fire is really a purring kitten, she love to purr all times and to lap people during the night.
Her colour and coat are super , her profile and forhead are perfect, we think she will be a medium – big size female, and she has a pedigree we are really in love with.

Mount Desert's Nashville

Born on: 01/08/2007
Sex: Male
Colour: Black with White – MCO n 09

Screening Esito Note
HCM e PKD6th August 2008 Negative First screening
HCM5th May 2009 Negative Second screening
HCM Mybpc3 dna testGenuary 2008 N/N Laboklin

We are happy to present you Mount Desert’s Nashville the first solid male in our breeding program.

Nashville has a very interesting pedigree, super ears, a fantastic look and a very strong but sweet temperament.
Very strong in body and with a fantastic coat quality Nashville carry diluition.

Planetcoon Mad Max

Born: 19-08-2006
Color: Brown Tabby Blotched – MCO n 22

Screening Esito Note
HCM and PKD09th august 2007 negativee first screening
HCM and PKD06th august 2007 negativee second screening
HCM Mybpc3 dna test N/N Parents N/N

Planetcoon Mad Max is born in our cattery on 19 august 2006 in our : his mother IC Escape’s Norma Jean is our love and Mad Max is his copy in all!!!!! So we cuoldn’t let him go !!!!

Ch Lacocoon Mistery in Love

Born : 16-01-2006
Color : Brown Tabby Blotched – MCO n 22

Screening Esito Note
HCM and PKD09th august 2007 Negative first screening

Lacocoon Mistery in Love has arrive from Canada on June 2006,and immediately during all the travel to italy she made us know her fantastic temperament….......all the time purring !!!!!!

We thanks a lot our friends Jean and Danielle Lacroix ( Lacocoon cattery ) for this fantastic female that now is confirming also to be a fantastic mother!!!

Lacocoon Mistery in Love is a very muscolar female, with a Super coat quality and Fantastic Patterns, she has a very good head with very big hears and super links!!
But the most important thing is that SHE IS ALWAYS HAPPY and SHE LOVES ALL OTHERS CATS!!!!!.



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